Thursday, March 26, 2020

In Lockdown...

      Here we are in the second week of lockdown, and while it may be an inconvenience to me as an oldie (and one of the apparently most vulnerable) it has to be so much worse for our children and grandchildren who are maybe not as likely to die from the virus, but are having to deal with losing their jobs and income and maybe their homes too! Their lives will probably never be the same again. It's truly appalling, and I have to say that we who have lived privileged lives for the last forty or so years  have a lot to answer for.
      In general, I would say that we have not deserved this wonderful Planet which we have abused in so many ways. We have built cities that are major polluters of our atmosphere, we have consigned millions of disadvantaged people to poverty starvation and homelessness, we have almost constantly been at war with each other, needlessly killing millions of innocent people, we have glorified greed, profit and selfishness, we have celebrated corruption in our politicians, and nothing, NOTHING, has stopped us until now!
      Perhaps the Planet is now saying ENOUGH. And quite right too. Fear not, our Planet will survive without us, in fact it will probably be in much better shape without us. Let us see how this turns out.
      For myself, I hope beyond anything that my beloved children and grandchildren will survive to make some sense of what they are left with. Please god the corrupt clowns who are currently mishandling every aspect of this tragedy will actually get their just desserts and disappear from this earth just as previous dinosaurs have done. It is a conclusion devoutly to be wished.
      I will be back, I hope.

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