Saturday, August 7, 2021

"And at my back I always hear Time's Winged Chariot hurrying near."

        You could all be forgiven for thinking that I had popped my clogs, fallen off my perch or fallen victim to the dreaded Corona Virus. In fact I am still very much here, though not in the best form I have to admit.  To start with, my shaky hands are so bad that I can't write any more (with pen and paper that is), and for someone who has always written stuff (diaries, stories, poems) that is very hard to acknowledge. I could not even bear to  come back to this,  my dear old Blog, to record how I was feeling. I'm not sure what has changed, except that I  have finally been to see a Doctor (a private one)  to  spell out  all the things that have been  piling up on my worry list. Apart from the fact that it has been  impossible to see my GP during the pandemic, I really needed someone who would have the time to listen - paying for that was really worthwhile.

        So my list of ailments: shaky hands (and don't even think about putting on lipstick or eye liner), knackered  knees, increasing deafness, general tiredness and aching ribs (and having fallen over in the garden added to the aches and pains).And even as I type this, I can see that I'm simply listing the effects of ageing! Well, the lovely lady Doctor took what Tony Hancock would have called "an armful of blood" and within 2 days sent the results. Mostly good (liver, kidneys, calcium, thyroid etc). I  am just a bit deficient in Vitamin D (no surprise with our climate) and  have slightly high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Not bad and all treatable! The Doc wants me to have a chest xray to see what's causing the sore ribs, and an appointment with the Neurologist, just to see if the old brain tumour could have had anything to do with the shakiness. So, we shall see. No doubt it will end up costing an arm and a leg, and I still won't be able to run or play footie with my Grandson : ))

        I do miss Son and family in Spain - still haven't seen them and it's nearly two years now.  They are fine, living in the sun and able to socialise with their friends. Grandson is on his long Summer Holiday and enjoying surfing lessons and a football camp. I so wish I was there with them. Maybe next year? That's if  "Time's winged chariot" doesn't catch up with me before then....