Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Blue Veins and Orange Spots

    Well, here we are again after another long break..and I'm observing these very hands that are typing on my keyboard. They  are terribly shaky, as the Benign Essential Tremor has simply got worse over the last two years. I ask myself (and anyone else who is listening) what's so bloody essential about it and I simply despair at the use of the word 'benign'. This tremor does not wish me well and so why is it called benign? Maybe because it doesn't actually kill you? If so, I could think of a few more apposite words to describe it. Anyway just so you know, the blue veins and orange spots are on my hands and aren't in the least attractive, though at least  the orange spots are evidence of a bit of sun and will hopefully merge into something like a suntan eventually.

      My only other adventure has been a replacement knee operation, which was a bit scary. They don't like to operate on the elderly, and at 85 that's definitely me! I was very nervous, but it was done  at the very posh Goring Hall Hospital (or the Water Pistol as Big Grandson used to call it :) though through the NHS. Very efficient and no trouble thankfully, and I was home after 4 nights. It's a jolly painful op though, as the surgeon warned me, and I wouldn't want those first two weeks over again. I'm not complaining though, and it was certainly a novelty to be sleeping downstairs in my bed for a few weeks. 

     Anyway, enough of the boring stuff, everyone I talk to has a hospital story and I'm trying to get away from them. My BBF has gone on an adventure down to the South of France and is staying in an Air BnB in Antibes for a month. We are planning to do more of the same before too long, so I'd better hurry up and get fully fit. Out there the sun is shining and there are croissants to be dipped into lovely cups of coffee, not to mention the bottles of French sparkling wine waiting to be popped. Cheers !!


     Family-wise, everyone seems ok and I'm not upsetting anyone unduly. It's al ways a fine line though. Daughter has a new job, with more money and less stress (always a good thing) and Son is working hard in Spain in the sun.... little Grandson is playing football non-stop over there and little Grand Daughter is becoming more of a little beauty over here, although they are both now 10! and not so little.