Monday, December 31, 2012

Oops, just made it..

    Just scraping in before midnight and the start of another year! It's going to be 2013, can you believe it? To bring you up to date, I  long ago finished the writing course, which was very good and motivating, but I managed to get a bad case of Bronchitis just as the course was coming to an end in November, and that really laid me low for the next six weeks. It wouldn't have been  so bad if my local GP hadn't ignored the cough (what my Mother used to call a "graveyard cough") and dismissed me saying that it was merely a virus. Two weeks later she dismissed me again, though she gave me some anti-biotics with the hope that they "might take the edge off it". They didn't. I carried on in the hope that I would just get better, as I  have in the past, and in the end was grey, choking and feeling like death.... Actually it was very scary feeling so ill, and being unable to breathe.  I finally went to a well-recommended private doctor who was just marvellous. He actually listened to me and took roughly ten minutes to diagnose the problem, His words were  "You have acute Bronchitis and should have been in hospital." So, that's where I've been, not actually in hospital, but in bed for what seemed like ages, and then slowly getting back to normal. I'm pretty much there now, and have had a really nice Christmas and New Year.
     Let's hope I can get on with life and  be a bit more communicative in 2013. Happy New Year to you all.



Expat mum said...

Good grief - that's bloody outrageous! I'm glad you're feeling better now. I had acute bronchitis for the first (and only) time a few years ago and I was really scared. It's awful not being able to breathe properly and feeling so ill. Luckily my doctor could hear my cough down the hall way and knew it was serious.
Happy New year!

auntiegwen said...

Oh dear, that was awful, I hope 2013 is a great year for you xxxx

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Hi expat mum, nice of you to visit and yes, it was awful! You obviously know what it's like to have Bronchitis - and I hope it will be my only time! Looking forward to a good year - and I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year too. M xx

Hi Auntie Gwen, how lovely to hear from you. Yes, it was awful but am so much better now and looking forward to 2013. Hope you are all well and happy. M xxx