Friday, October 19, 2007

Good Morning.

Up with the lark this morning, and sure enough the phone rang at 7.50! It was Daughter croaking, bless her, that she couldn't move, and could I take Grandson to Nursery. Foreign Student didn't deign to appear for her breakfast, so I left it on the table and whizzed off to pick him up. It's no joke stopping in the middle of Brighton, in the middle of the rush hour, and dicing with death in the form of the big buses which queue up at the temporary bus-stop outside the flat. Anyway, we got him into the car and off to Nursery (sorry, Pre-School). And I'll be picking him up at 1pm, so I don't have all day, as my Mother used to say.

Son is back from his holiday in Crete, and will be house-sitting in Camden for a couple of weeks. I have no further news for him on the flat, but wish with all my heart that I had. I know that we're waiting for someone else to sell their house before we can all move on, and I know that our buyer is desperate to get on too. She has had confimation of her buyer's offer, and has their solicitor's details. We just need that magic moment when everyone says OK, let's get going.

I have been listening to the morning story on Radio 4 this week; "Blue Sky July". The mother who wrote this moving book was told that her child Joe, who suffered from severe cerebral palsy, would never see, speak, walk or recognize his parents. I have listened spellbound as she described her slow and painful 7 year journey from life with a severely disabled baby, who slowly but surely becomes a seeing, talking and even walking child in mainstream education. It does show how love can make the most wonderful things happen - who could doubt it in a case like this? I feel amazingly grateful for my loved, healthy and happy family. Lucky me..

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