Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who wants to be a Millionaire?

Well, what d'you know, I've won another £10 on the Lottery today - that's £30 in about two weeks! The Boyfriend said, when Daughter told him, "Don't mess about with £10s, make it the Jackpot next time." I wish. But I did see that 2 people shared the Rollover Jackpot last night, winning 8.8 million each. Mindboggling isn't it?

Another bit of good news this morning is that the temporary bus stop outside Son's flat, which has been blighting our lives for the last 9 months, is moving from tomorrow. Hurray. Three Cheers. No more dicing with death when I pull up outside to drop them off or pick them up. No more people staring through our windows. And our buyer will be pleased too.

As it's another glorious day, I'm off down to the Paddling Pool park to meet Daughter and Co. It's just too lovely to stay indoors,and who knows when this patch of heavenly blue weather will disappear. Later this afternoon, I'm going with Daughter and Grandson to a Birthday Party for one of his little friends. He has had a very social week, what with Hallowe'en, the Slumber Party at Nursery and the Fireworks last night. I'm reliably informed that he will be wearing his Pumpkin costume today (round orange body, green stick legs, little gold head). I can't wait..

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